Friday, August 31, 2012

Creation contra evolution

Creation contra evolution
Someone once said' "  If you believe in the evolution , you have to accept that your great , great , great.......grandpa was a ...ROCK!! or a piece of DUST"- that is based on the belief that everything came out of dust. You would say that it  is weird, but that is what evolution actually  allows to believe!

According to evolutionary theory, all matter came into existence by itself. At a later time on our planet' living creatures quite literally  " made themselves". Such views  sound like Greek myths. And nobody is asking the question where did all the laws of nature come from? There are variety of very complicated natural laws.How did these come into existence? People assume that they too just sprung up spontaneously.Common sense combined with scientific
facts  will always tear the theory of evolution to pieces.
Evolutionary theory is built on two foundational pillars. But there are two laws that crush those pillars to powder.
 Evolution teaches that matter is not conservative but self- originating, it can arise from nothing and increase. The First Law of Thermodynamics annihilates  this error.
Evolution teaches that matter and living things keep becoming more complex and continually evolve  toward greater perfection. The Second Law of Thermodynamics devastates this theory..

 In our civilizations, we find  that  it is  highly intelligent people who design  the machinery  and make laws that govern the nation. Because of our limitations, we spend so much time and research  to improve man-made mechanical designs and rewriting human laws. But in nature we find the perfection in design
and laws which human cannot achieve! How is that possible?  Every bird  and animal is perfectly designed and fossil evidence indicates that each one has  had the same  design all  the way back  to its first  appearance  in the fossil record. The laws of nature are perfect also. If we need evidence  about the  perfection  of natural laws, now and in the past, all we need do is gaze upon the planets , moons, stars, and galactic systems. The perfect balancing of their rotations on their  axes  and orbits  around still larger spheres or star complexes is astounding.The laws are operating with total precision.
We don't realize that any aberration of those  laws in the past would have brought  the suns and the stars and systems- and our own world- crashing in upon each other. The evidence is clear that,  from the most distant past, the laws of nature have operated accurately.
There is no way that universe  would just come into existence and found  a complete system  of  physical  laws  waiting  to be obeyed.
We`all can agree with the saying that every product has to have a maker. Imagine  I am leading you into my room with lots of robots and computers sitting around. You ask me where did you get it from ? I would say, from nowhere. They all just evolved. The room was had been closed here for billions of years with all the metal scrapes, a bit of water, some explosives  and just decided so organize itself. It took them billions of years and here we have perfectly working computers and robots. You would say that' s
nonsense.  You would never believe the scrapes of metal would get together to make an use of themselves even over a billion of years. But you would believe the whole universe  with all the living creatures did?
It is so obvious that every product needs a makes and a designer. And designer and the maker has to be  more intelligent  than a product and far more intelligent than  the production methods used to make it.

Let's look now at the two main laws that are completely in contradiction with what the evolution is teaching.
The First Law of Thermodynamics says  that  'the energy  cannot  by itself be created nor destroyed. Energy may be changed  from one form  into another, but the total amount remains unchanged.'
Einstein showed  that matter is but another form of energy, as expressed in the equation ;
 E= MC{ square}
This is the most important and best proved laws in science. Countless experiments  have verified this. A corollary of the First Law is that  natural  processes cannot  create  energy. Consequently energy must have been created in the past  by some  power  outside of and independent of the natural universe.. Furthermore, if natural processes cannot produce the relatively simple inorganic portion of the universe
(cannot produce energy) then it is even less likely that  natural  processes can explain the much more complex living portion of the universe and its.
 perfection that testify about a very advanced mathematics and intelligence in order to come into being.
Now, let's see the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It predicts that a system  left to itself will, in the course of time, go toward  greater  disorder, become totally random and disorganized.
All science ' bows low' before the Second Law which points mankind  to its  Creator.
The Second Law testifies that to the fact that there was a beginning  to everything, and therefore the Beginner.
You would see that the evolution is actually a variant form of atheism. It doesn't want to acknowledge the Creator as a Beginner, it would rather acknowledge Nothing as a Beginner, the Big Bang out of  Nothing.Big explosion out of Nothing!
It would believe that energy or matter is self-originating ( contradicting First and Second Law of physics).
The belief that cannot accept God because it has no explanation how is God originating, but instead of would accept self-originating matter, self organizing perfection of the laws and all the life!
It does not want to accept the  One who stands above  and beyond all of this. One who made it all, who is thoughtful of the needs of the  universe and cares for His own.

If you are looking for the truth, you will surely find it. Don't be  satisfied with what others say or claim that they know unless you have a close look into it yourself. If you open a typical science book on astronomy, you will be bombarded  with paintings  of gas clouds and protostars, here you will find theories about the origin  of the universe and stars stated with great certainty.
But if you attend a closed -door  conference, such as the Nice-Symposium, you will find worried men, desperate theories, scientific facts which condemn those theories, a lack of alternative explanations, an atmosphere of hopeless despair in the face of unproven  and unprovable ideas, and no solutions or scientific experiments able to alleviate the situation.
Just to list all the things the  evolutionists have no answer to, would fill many books.
 How it is that Uranus and Venus are rotating backwards? How to explain origin of such complex DNA working as a computer?  How to explain  the perfect balance in forces keeping the atoms together, or the fact that our world would not be 'visible' to us  if our brain would not  know how to 'read'  the specific light  frequencies. You can amaze at  the  thing  how is the whole world seen in colors-  which are the different frequencies of light that the object is reflecting  and then that specific frequency is  going   through our eye and is 'red' by your brain as a specific color? Could that all just simply happen????? How did our brain 'learn' to 'translate' it as a red or green color?
Look at all the tropical  fish' variety and see how they are colorful.  Lots of them have a specific patters like stripes along the edges of their fins as if somebody colored them. No chaos of colors, the light is not reflected in a chaos so we  don't see a  mixture of colors as if a kid took all paints and messed it up. Instead of we see perfectly designed patterns. Would the fish just decide  'let me have my fins striped at the edges so that I look nice so these human beings who are watching me in an aquarium would be amazed by my beauty?'

Even though  you might reject that there is a Creator  and still believe that  all the world just happened, you are giving the  'nature' the attributes of a person or creator. People would rather say;" nature made it so perfectly".. instead of saying God made it, they would say; "nature  has got  some intelligence and wisdom in  creating this"  instead of saying  it needed God  with all the wisdom  and  high intelligence  to create such thing.

All the 'universe perfection' should point us to the one living God who made it all so we could  learn to trust Him by seeing that all His works are  so excellent
It should point you to the Bible so that you could read about His plan for you. It should point you to the Savior  in Jesus Christ  in which you have forgiveness of sin and promise of eternal life rather than dying in your sin.
John 6;47 Jesus said ; " Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, has everlasting life."


Friday, August 24, 2012

" A better way to live"

    "A better way to live"

 Our TV news became  a series of bad accidents and  if we are  feeding only on them it is easy to feel hopeless. 
 How many times we hear about somebody's death ? There isn't even one day of  a tragic accident  happening somewhere in which  a person or group of people gets killed. When we hear about natural disasters like  an earthquake. or a flood which can kill thousands of people at once we are  terrified by the number of deaths. But imagine how many people live around the world today.  The number is estimated  for  7 billions of people  and, if  we  heard on the news that one billion died one day- these news would be terribly shocking to everybody.  But do we realize that in 100 years every person that is alive today will be  dead?  That  means the number of  7 billions of people. There  is nothing surprising  that everybody will die one day. Can we change anything about that? Yes we can when we realize that we are not  created to live for ourselves  but that there is a Creator  we are accountable to. God gave everything in His Son's hands and even the immortality is available to us in  Him. There is no miracle pill  for escaping death but  everlasting life with God. The choice belongs to us by whether we want to come to Him or not. Why not to trust Jesus who is promising  the way out?

Reading about Jesus' life we are witnessing great works God only is able to do. By Jesus' word everything was happening  what He wanted to happen.  Like God  who created the world by saying   'let  it be the sun' and the sun appeared. The miracles of creating  things  by the power of His word are manifestation of Jesus' divine nature. Who can bring the dead person to life if not God Himself? Jesus was the one who could say to the dead Lazarus  -come out! - and the Lazarus would come alive. By Jesus' word water turned into vine,  bread and fish was multiplied, the sea and the wind would calm down, the fig tree would dry out immediately, demons would run away, the paralyzed person would walk again, the blind one would regain his sight,  the sick would be healed.  Here we can see how easy God could create this world by the power of His word. The same way whatever is He promising in Jesus Christ to us, is real.
The things that God has for us are far above the things we can imagine in this world.. We are not created to just finish our life and die in our sin without any purpose of our earthly existence. You would say, ok, but I don't see God , I know nothing about Him.
 First of all the thing is that we can't 'sense' God unless we are born again spiritually.
Jesus said; " Most assuredly I say to you,unless one is born again, he can not see the Kingdom of God."
 John 3;3

 Our spiritual death is caused by our sinful nature that destroyed the connection with him. But God is more present in our lives than you can imagine. He provided the new  way  to Himself  through Jesus Christ.
The Son of God  was sent to us to restore  our lost relationship with God. If we believe in Him that He was sent by God and trust His words our spiritual eyes get open . Then  we  can call upon His name He will hear us and answer.
 Jesus was sent by God to die in your place so that we might have eternal life with Him.
He made Himself a sacrifice to God  so that we would have the  access to Him.   His words are full of promises  so that we could  hold on to them and have hope.
Jesus said; John 6;47
"Most assuredly I say to you, he who believes in Me, has everlasting life."  Jesus  becomes our 'bread from heaven'  v.48-51. " This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world."
 If you believe Jesus died for you, that's how He becomes  the bread that feeds your spirit. All His words are becoming spiritual  food to you and fill you with peace and new hope. Then you realize that life is more that you think, it is not only what you see with your eyes but also  what you can 'see' with your spirit.
Jesus said; " I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10;10

In Jesus we have eternal life because we have forgiveness of our sin. And the result  of that  we won't come into judgement.
Jesus said;" Most assuredly I say to you; he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me, has everlasting life and shall not come into judgement, but has passed from death to life."
There is another promise;
In  John 4;14  Jesus  talks about that your soul finds complete fulfillment;
 " Whoever  drinks of the water that I shall give him, will never thirst."
Walking with Jesus you start understanding what is the truth.
 "For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice."   John 18;37
You can choose to believe and trust Jesus words and all His promises will  become real in your life. Or  you may choose to reject Him and by that you are  rejecting  His forgiveness and  everlasting life available for you . By rejecting Jesus you  choose  death and  judgement.

God gave up everything  to save you through His Son, who suffered for you  so  that you wouldn't have to go to hell.  That is a great work to be ignored.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

How much are you worth?

“How much are you worth?”
based on the book  ” Discover His character’  by Bill Bright
Can you imagine  the magnificent knowledge of God who  already knew you before you were born? Do you ever wonder when did you show up in his mind?
You might think it started some time in your life or it will start one day but the truth is that
God saw us already in eternity past as well as His sacrifice  planned for our salvation! He knew from the beginning of times that we would   ‘cost’   Him everything  and yet He never gave up with us.
” He chose us in Him  before  the creation of the world to be holy  and blameless in His  sight.  In love He predestined us to be adopted  as His sons through Jesus Christ”
There was never a moment  when God did not purpose in His love  to make the  ultimate  sacrifice for us.  You and I, who are not even worthy to call His name, are so loved that we were always on His mind.
Just before His betrayal, Jesus enjoyed  the Passover meal  with His disciples. They were about to experience  incredible  trauma when they saw  their Master  led away by soldiers, put on trial and crucified. The book of John explains  lots of  facts during  that Last Supper.
 ”Jesus knew that the time had come  for Him to leave  this world and go to the Father. Having loved His own  who were in the world, He loved them to the end.”
First Jesus had a meal of fellowship, then He washed  his disciples’ feet. We can learn something important from that.
When He approached Peter, this one  said;  “You shall never wash my feet! “  That was too intimidating to Peter.              But what did Jesus answer?
” If I do not wash you, you have no part with me.”
One  important thing comes to our mind, that  it doesn’t matter how long you  have been watching Jesus, or you have known about Him
” you have no part with him, if you don’t allow Him to be washed from your sin.   It’s  not about knowing about Jesus  but believing  in Him and being  ‘washed’  from all our guilt.  No fellowship with God  unless you are clean.   There is no way we could enter God’s holy place with sin.  Peter  didn’t understand  what  was  that washing  all about , Jesus said; ” What I am doing   now, you don’t  understand , but you will know after this.”   Eventually Peter  allowed himself  to be washed. Now we know  it was all referring to what Jesus did for us on the cross.  Only those who want to be washed by his blood, have forgiveness and are free from sin and can have fellowship with God.
What else happened at that time?
As`the Lord washed Peters’ feet, Peter proclaimed ;  ” I will lay down my life for you.”
Jesus responded: ” Will you really lay down  your life for Me? I tell you the truth, before the  rooster  crows, you will disown Me three times.”
That is exactly what Peter did. During Christ darkest  hours, Peter turned his back on his Lord. Did Jesus reject Peter because of his betrayal? As`the soldiers bound and dragged  Jesus through the crowd, Jesus caught Peter’s eye. The look of forgiveness in the Lord’s eyes made the difference. Peter was feeling broken deep in his heart but he knew from Jesus’ look that His Master  still loved him and was able to forgive him.
God’s everlasting love was  expressed at that time so much. Knowing that soon He would be betrayed and handed over to those who hated Him, He wasn’t focusing on Himself  nor showing any self pity.  Instead of  that He was telling His    discpiles about what great things they should expect in his promise.
” When everything is ready I will come and get you so that you will always be with Me where I am.”  Then, just before Him being handed over to the soldiers He prayed
” Father I desire  that they also whom you gave me, may be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory which you have given  me, for you loved me  before the foundation of the world.” John 17;24
What a great promise for those who trust Jesus! We know that His promise about everlasting life with Him is as real as He was real Himself. And if you think your life on earth is so hard and meaningless, you can trust Jesus’ words  as He is giving you hope about something better to come. That’s the whole reason he came to die for us. If  you believe that there is nothing after you die, then His death was  completely useless. But we read in the Bible that it was the highest price God payed for us.   If   He  was willing to give  for us  something the most precious to Him, we can imagine how much is  He concerned about us. At the same time we know that His justice is the most perfect and regardless of the person He will execute it.
The truth about it  is  deeply manifested  in what Jesus experienced on the cross;  Matthew 27;46
Crying out  “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
As he  took on all our sin upon Himself, He experienced  death as a sinner- when God is turning away from a sinful person, when your soul is crying for God but He ‘doesn’t hear, He is not there for you.    Jesus who was in a form of God himself  ( Philippians 2;6) coming in the likeness of men,  went through separation from God He came from.
That fact is considered  for the  deepest display of his love toward men!
If that great love of God is rejected by you, there is nothing else He can pay for you to ‘buy you out’ from your sin.
We`are reminded to call upon His name before is not to late so that we  don’t die as sinners but as children of God with the hope of new life.
If we are not interested in finding relationship with God in this life, He won’t be interested in having it with us  after we died.
Matthew 10;33 ” Whoever denies Me  before men, him I will also deny before my Father  who is in heaven.”

Thursday, August 16, 2012

God and His time of grace

God and His time of grace
The entire gospel is a great story and a great promise. It is a book of hope in our 'hopeless  society' . It is not only because people like to hold on to things that  are giving  them hope but because  the gospel it is true!
If it contains God's word we can be sure it is true. Sooner or later God will fulfill his promises;  like He has already done  about coming of Christ.   In Ephesians Paul says; that God's secret plan has now been revealed  to us, it is a plan centered on Christ, designed long ago according to His good pleasure. And this is His plan; at the right time He will bring everything  together under the authority of Christ, everything in heaven and on earth. You would ask how?
 Everything by the forgiveness in  Jesus. That was God's secret plan from the beginning of times. Let's look at that.
God used the fact that religious leaders couldn't stand  Jesus'  words. They didn't believe He came from God.  For them leading  their religious life was more important than what Jesus was saying so they thought they would  kill Him.   First they tried to do everything to humiliate Him . The soldiers beat Jesus and crowned Him with a crown of thorns. They were following  the evil orders  of their superiors. The rabble  in front of the cross ridiculed Jesus as He was dying . Their purpose  was to make Him look weak and insignificant. Then the government assigned  soldiers to  guard  Jesus' tomb to thwart  any claims that He had risen from the dead .
But nothing could stop Jesus from rising again. In  John 10;17-18  Jesus says; " Therefore my Father loves me because I lay down my life  that I may take it again.  No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of  Myself, I have power to lay it down  and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from my Father."  So, God's plan succeeded as Jesus became  a prefect sacrifice for our sin. His given life became a ransom for many.
Since then ( for the last 2000 years ) there is no other sacrifice needed in order to come to the living God. Jesus is enough, that is why He says that He is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Him.  John 14;6
Throughout the ages people needed sacrifice in order to come to God. Jesus' death changed everything, now He is your only way to God.
 Imagine yourself in the court accused about something that you need to be punished about. The judge  says the final verdict; death penalty. That sounds terrifying but we all are like that in God's eyes- because of our sinful nature we are to die one day. But God  gives us the way out. Somebody  is coming  to  the court  to say he  is taking  all your  guilt upon himself and takes the death punishment for you and you are declared not guilty . This is what  exactly  Jesus did for  you on the cross  so that you can be free of guilt before God.
He  is the main person in your life that can change your final course. 
No matter who we are  or what we have done, we all need to come to Him.  While you come to Jesus you are  in His hands.. He says; " I give them eternal life  and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand." John 10;28   "Paul wrote to Titus that now we  live "in the faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time."    Paul knew that  way back in eternity God had promised the salvation for those who believe in Him. That promise became reality in Paul's   life   as it will for all of us  who accept the message of  Jesus' death on  the cross for sin.

Although God's mercy toward  His own people extends throughout eternity, His mercy toward the unrepentant, ignorant people does not last forever. The time of grace will come to the end one day. God does not want us to be destroyed  by our sinfulness, so He offers  us mercy, but we must be willing to accept it before we run out of time. Those who feel they can wait  until later  to receive God's offer of mercy can  never be sure  that they will have the time and opportunity to do that.
"The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hands. He who believes in the Son  has everlasting life, and he who does not believe the Son, shall  not see life, but the wrath of God abides on  him. John 3;35-36

Friday, August 10, 2012

Healing hands and beyond

Healing hands and beyond
Every day there are some thoughts coming to my  mind regarding God. What do we know about Son of God Jesus Christ?
Most churches show his pictured body on the cross as if he was still there and that his ministry finished there and nothing else more happened.
Do we realize he is not there any more? He was risen about 2000 years ago, witnessed by so many alive after his death. The only one person that experienced supernatural coming back to life after being killed and dead for 3 days.  Ok, there was also one more man named Lazarus who experienced resurrection but risen by whom? exactly by Jesus Christ!
Well, let’s look at this;   if any pharmaceutic company announced that they came up with a miracle pill to keep people from dying, let me guess, everybody would be crazy to get it!  Wouldn’t they?  If there came a doctor skilled in any possible healing abilities, including healing all existing birth defects; blindness, deafness, any possible skin disease, mental retardation with also ‘ magic’ abilities of raising people who died to life, wouldn’t he  be known  and looked for by  all the  people? What’s different about Jesus?  That’s what the  people were able to witness  about 2000 years ago.
Luke 13;32  says    ” Pay attention; Today and tomorrow I am driving out the demons and healing people and on the third day I will reach my goal.”
What did Jesus mean by   “On the third day I will reach my goal”?    The main purpose of him wasn’t just to come as a doctor but to die for many  to pay the death penalty for us, who,  according to God,  would be awaiting  it.
Romans 6;23 says;   ” For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is  eternal life in Christ Jesus  our Lord.”
For many people  Jesus’ life  is  limited only  to  dying on the  cross and they don’t realize what is it all about. No hope, no understanding of the magnificiant event that took place there. The whole history of mankind is changed by that event. There is forgiveness of sin,     there is   a promise  of eternal   life as real as Jesus  showing up alive after being killed!   If not the cross , the whole world would be  subject to God’s judgment, there would be no hope, no forgiveness,  no promise  about eternal life.  John 6;47 says;        “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me, has everlasting life.”
If you only perceive Jesus as a  famous historical person or a ‘victim’ of bad people, see his majesty described in Revelation 1;12-18
” I turned around to see who was speaking to me, and when I had turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks,and in the midst of the seven candlesticks, one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment  down to foot and girt  about the paps with a golden girdle.  His head and his hair were white like a wool, as white as snow. And his eyes were as a flame of fire.  And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned  in a furnance; and his voice as the sound of many waters.”(…)
V. 17   ” And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand  upon me,  saying unto me;
‘Fear not,I am the first and the last. I am he that lives and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore, and  have the keys of hell and death.”
You can see his power when he stopped Saul on the way to Damascus;
Acts 9;3   “  As`he ( Saul) journeyed , he came near Damascus and suddenly a light shone around him  from heaven, and he fell to the ground and heard voice saying unto him;” Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me? And he said;  ‘ Who are you, Lord? Then, the  Lord said; ‘I am Jesus who you are persecuting.”  In verse 9.  we read that afterwards  Saul was three days without sight.
You can also imagine Jesus calming  down the rough sea and the wind, and the wind and sea did what he said. You can imagine  him walking on water and see his majesty in his second coming;  Matthew 24; 30-34
” Then the sign of  the  Son of  man will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth  will mourn, and they will see the Son of  Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”
You can see  Jesus  as the one before whom all knee will bow  down { Philippians 2;10}
Picture Him as the one who is in  authority of judging all man.   John 5;22  says   ” For the Father judges no-one but has committed all judgement to the Son.”
Imagine Jesus as the one who is given all authority on earth and heaven  { Matthew 28;18}
The one before whom all angels bow down { Hebrews 1;6}
The one who will deny you before His Father in heaven, if you deny Him before men.  The one who will confess you before His  Father who is in heaven, if you confess Him before man. { Matthew 10;32-33}
He is the one who knows all your thoughts, knows your past, the one before whom you can’t hide.
What an authority!
He is the one by whom you can ‘escape’  God’s judgement  by accepting Him as  your Lord.
The one in whose hands lays your destiny.
His  promise is real.  In  John 5;24 He says :   “Most assuredly,  I say to you,  he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent me, has everlasting life and  shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.”

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Master Designer of our universe

A Master Designer of our universe

Taking any book about how our universe came to life, we would find typical explanation;
"Long time ago there was completely nothing. Nothing was for such a long time that it finally decided to become ‘something’ and exploded.." of course it sounds   ridiculous.  But that is what the evolutionary theory offers us to believe. Isn’t it foolish? All what we have around is even older that the beginnings, but somehow nothing explodes to create any other form of matter. Second,the explosion  is usually  chemicals transforming    into the other and we tend to believe that             nothing + time = matter    ( that came from a massive  explosion called  BIG BANG)
But this is what some people believe about  our vast  and orderly universe .All of the energy and matter  was crammed together into a big ball. Somehow this huge ball exploded, which caused the planets, stars and galaxies to emerge. Yet even renowned scientists admit that no one really knows how stars originated.  Abraham Loeb of the Harward University Center for Astrophysics says    ” The truth is that we don’t understand star formation at a fundamental level.”    
How can we explain that both Uranus and Venus rotate backward compared to all the other planets?!!   If we go deeper into details we will see that all the   BIG BANG theory violates  natural laws including the First and Second Laws of  Thermodynamics.
Why are the disk galaxies shaped like a disk? Astronomers say there is no explanation for what could place stars into that galactic  structural pattern. It surely is beautiful  with the globular clusters outside the disk, hanging in space like chandeliers, but how could random motions produce such balanced artistic harmony? Each galaxy, with all its stars, is moving together in a certain direction, yet the corporate velocities within the galaxy should gravitationally unbind  the stars within it, yet it does not happen.
We see so much perfection  and  sign of    ‘design’  in all the universe.    Saturn has 17 moons yet non of them ever collide  with the rings.    The farthest out is Phoebe, which revolves in a motion opposite  to Saturn and its rings. How could that happen? Talking about big things and the small ones that we can’t even see with our eyes, yet still on a excellent level of perfection; like atoms that would fall apart if the mass of the neutron didn’t exceed that of the proton.   If the mass of the proton were only slightly larger, the added weight could cause it to quickly become unstable  and decay into a neutron, positron and neutrino. This would destroy hydrogen the dominant element  in the universe. A Master Designer planned that the proton’s mass  would be slightly smaller than that of the neutron. Otherwise the universe would collapse.
 How foolish is it to believe that this perfect universe created itself.   Truth and knowledge about creation can only  originate with God.
No-one  would believe  that your perfect computer  created itself- it was just a matter of billions of years and bum…here it is, first as  smoke then millions of years after – a  piece of a wire, then more millions of years a keyboard and the screen and  then more billions of years after that we have  a finger touch tablet!  Of course it sounds ridiculous but what about our brain  that is like a computer? Evolutionary theory claims it was evolving and evolving …first from the single cell…ok,we better stop. Every perfect creation  needs a designer, needs a maker!!! But we may chose to believe in a fairy telly. A green frog turning into a prince? That is actually ‘possible’….just wait billions and billions of years till the frog goes through all the stages of evolutionary development and the final outcome will be a human being! A prince!
Part 1
A Designer who created the past, holds the present and knows the future.
So if all the works point you to the Maker of this world, why are we so reluctant  getting to know him?
We would rather put our trust in human unsupported theories or philosophies and ignore the witness of Him shown in all the perfect  creation. Evidence of the all knowing Master is also  in the Bible. It contains  hundreds of prophecies to show you that the Creator of this universe knows  everything that has ever happened and knows the future.  One fascinating  prophecy is that the Jewish people  would be called together as a nation. The temple of Jerusalem was destroyed in  A.D. 70  and the Jewish people scattered  from their homeland. What were the chances that the people without the country could survive as a nation? Every other nation since then has disappeared into oblivion. But in 1948  the Jewish people reestablished their  homeland in Israel. The odds are astronomical of that happening  after nearly two millennium. God’s prophecies are 100  percent accurate because he not only knows the future, he also controls it.  Other great prophecies are about Jesus which all came true within the smallest detail; see more in  the post” The greatest work done in Jerusalem.”
Why would we  believe in the ‘nothingness’  rather than in God?  Some claim that because they have no answer where God came from. But do we have the answer where the    ‘nothing’ came from to become something?     This is not the answer.
The reason we run away from Him  is because we don’t like the truth.  By acknowledging God we realize we are accountable to him.
We can  try to  hide behind our own philosophies which do not give us hope, no explanation or use the Bible to look for  the truth. It will tell you that because of our sin we died spiritually and need to be born again in order to have fellowship with God. And the reliable source which is the Bible tells you that it is through Jesus and believing in him. We  have evidence of God in a perfect creation, we have evidence of God in his word fulfilled  about the things that he said before, we can keep him at his word regarding  our future!!
” I tell you that whoever hears what I am saying  and trusts the One who sent me, has eternal life, that is, he will not come up for judgement  but has already crossed over from death to life” John 5;24
The other thing  is; if we  are rejecting Jesus- we are rejecting life; John 3;36
“Whoever trusts in the Son has eternal life,  but whoever disobeys the Son will not see that life but remains subject to God’s wrath.”
This is the simple truth, yet ignored by many.  You can chose to believe in unsupported  human theories regarding the past, or hold on to the reliable source in the Bible regarding your future. The choice is yours, to believe in nothingness or acknowledging

The most famous trial in the history

 The most famous trial in the history

Based on the  Bible  and  the  book     ‘ The Final Week of  Jesus”  by Max Lucado
” Do you ever feel like  you’re racing downhill on a runway bike and you don’t  remember  how to brake? Could you use  a reminder on how to  slow your life down?   If so, read what Jesus did during  the last Sabbath of his life. Start in the gospel of Matthew. Didn’t find anything?   Try Mark.   Nothing there, either? Strange.  What about Luke? John?  No reference? Hmmm, looks like Jesus was quiet that day.
-You mean with one week left to live…with all those apostles  to train and people to teach, he took  a day to rest and worship?
Apparently so.
On the  Sabbath  day he went to the synagogue, as he always did and stood up to read. If  Jesus found time  in the midst of a racing agenda to stop the rush  and to sit  in the silence, should we any less?
He chose you!
He turns and begins the final  ascent  to the garden. When he reaches  the entry he stops and turns his eyes  toward his circle of friends.   He knows  that one disciple’s   betrayal  is  minutes away,  the other  friend would disown him. He knows he would be left alone. But he doesn’t accuse . He doesn’t lecture. Instead he prays.
His final prayer was about you!  His final pain was for you. His final passion was you. His humanity begged to be delivered from what his divinity could see.  There was a time when if he could have, he would have turned his back  on the whole mess  and gone away.
But he couldn’t because  he saw you. Right in the middle of  a world  which isn’t fair …betrayed  by those you love … with a body which gets sick  and a heart  which grows weak.  He saw you in the  Garden of Gethsemane- and he didn’t want you to be alone.
” Father, I want those  you have given me, to be with me where   I am, and to see my glory , the glory you have given me, because  you loved me before the creation of the world.” John 17;24
He would rather go to ‘hell’  for you  than go to heaven without you!
The most famous trial in  history is about to begin. The accused is brought  into the room and placed below  the magistrate.  A covey of robed religious leaders follow , walk over to one side of the room, and stand. Pilate looks at the lone figure.
- Doesn’t look like a Christ,  he mutters.
One eye is black and swollen shut.  Hair  bloodmattered to forehead . Arms and thighs streaked with crimson.
- Are you the king of  the Jews?
For the first time Jesus lifts his  eyes.
-Those are your words, he says.
No defense, no explanation.
Pilate walks back to his chair , sits and stares at Jesus.   His question is yours.
What will I do with this man, Jesus?
You can reject him. That is an option. Or you can accept him. You can journey with him. You can listen for his voice amidst  the hundreds of voices  and follow him.”
It is your choice.  Jesus said;
“As for the person  who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come  to judge  the world, but  to save it. There is a judge  for the one who rejects me  and does not accept my words, that every word which I spoke  will condemn him at the last day.” John 12;48-49
” Moreover, the Father judges no-one, but has entrusted  all judgment  to the Son,that all may honor  the Son  as thay honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son , does not honor the Father, who sent him.” John 5;22-23
” I tell you the truth, whoever hears  my word and believes  him who sent me, has eternal life  and will not be condemned but he has crossed over from death to life.” John  5;24

The greatest work done in Jerusalem

“The greatest  work  done in Jerusalem”
Isaiah 53;5     “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His bruises we are healed.”
v.11 says ” My righteous servant shall justify many, for He shall bear their iniquities”
v.12. “He poured out His soul unto death and He was numbered with the transgressors and He bore the sin of man."

In all the religions of the world -what differs all man-made up gods from the real one God is " The true one God sent a Savior to rescue the mankind and confirmed Christ  coming in hundreds  prophecies throughout the Biblical Scriptures  written in the span period over 1000 years before Christ came.

One of the  greatest things that has ever  been done for all  people happened  in Jerusalem    and  it  is the work  Jesus  did   for you on  the cross 2000 years ago!
The Son of  God came down to pay the  price of our sin and His forgiveness is available for  everybody who believes.
Salvation was always by grace, not by good works.  The given law is  for recognizing  the sin.
Even Abraham and  Noah  were saved by faith, born  before the law was given to Moses.

This is what the Bible is promising;
As we read in Romans 8;1 “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are  in Christ Jesus.”
Jesus said;”I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned , but he has crossed over from death to life.” John 5;24   The work  Jesus  did for you is the salvation work that gives you access to God and eternal life!
Prophecy about  Savior's’ birth;
Isaiah 9;6
“ For to us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government will be  on his shoulders.  And he will be called  Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,  Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Matthew 1 starts with words;  ” The book of genealogy of Jesus Christ , the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.”
The promise that was made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, founders of the Jewish family, a promise later renewed to Kind David, that one of their descendants would reign over the nations forever ( see Gen 28;14, 2 Sam7;16) Yeshua fit the prophet’s description in every detail and was hailed  by thousands  of Jews a Messiah. ( John 19;38-39, Acts 6;7)
In Matthew 1;20-23  we read  what an angel said Mary ” that she will bring forth a Son and that His name will be Jesus and that He will save His people from sins” v.22 ” So all this was done  that it might be fulfilled  which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet , saying; ” Behold the virgin shall be with child, and bear a  Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which is translated  ‘God with us”. Prophecy already  fulfilled from Isaiah7;14
Other facts;
Jesus knew  that he would be killed  in Jerusalem and that he would rise again on the third day;
Luke 18;31-33
Jesus took the Twelve  aside  and told them, “ We are  going  up to Jerusalem and everything  that is written  by  the prophets  about  the  Son of  Man  will be  fulfilled.  He will  be  handed  over  to the Gentiles . They will mock him, insult him, spit on him, flog him  and kill him. On he third day he will rise again.”
Jesus’   triumphal  entry to Jerusalem     ( Matthew 21;5  John 12;15 )
“The next day the great crowd that had come for the feast heard  that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out  to meet  him, shouting,  Hosanna! Blessed  is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel! Jesus found  a young donkey and sat upon it, as it is written  in Zechariah 9;9;
“ Rejoice  greatly, o Daughter of   Zion, Shout  Daughter of Jerusalem!
See your  king  comes  to you  righteous  and having  salvation, gentle  and riding  on a donkey,
On a colt,  the foal  of a donkey.”
The  Old  and the New Testament tells us about why Jesus  came  to die;
Isaiah 53 ;5
“He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed  for our iniquities, the punishment  that brought us peace was upon him and by his wound we are healed.”
See; Hebrew 10; 14 “(…) by one  sacrifice he has made perfect for ever those  who are being made  holy.”
Hebrew 9;26 “(… he has appeared once for all at the end  of the ages  to do away with sin by the sacrifice  of himself.”
Psalm 22; 7    tells us details about what Jesus was facing on the cross and all these things happened exactly how they were described in the Old Testament;
“All who see me mock  me, they hurl  insults, shaking their  heads.  He trusts in the Lord let the Lord  rescue him, let him deliver  him since he delights in him.”
(  fulfilled in the  New Testament in Mathew  27;39,    Mark 15; 29   Luke 23;35)
Psalm 22; 16-18
“(..) they have pierced my hands and my feet. I can count all  my bones.  People stare and gloat over me.
They divide  my garments  among them  and cast lots for my  clothing.”
( fulfilled in the New Testament in  Matthew 27; 35  Mark 15; 24   Luke 23;34  John 19; 24 )
Psalm 69;21
“ They put gall in my food and gave me vinegar for my thirst.”
( fulfilled in  the New testament  in Matthew 27;48    Mark 15; 36     John 19;28-29)
Psalm 34;20,  Numbers 9;12 ,  Exodus 12;46,
“  He protects  all his bones, not one of them will be broken.
(Fulfilled    in  John  19; 33-36 )” But when they came  to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his leg”
Zechariah 11; 12-13  tells us about Jesus  that would be  betrayed  for 30 silver coins
“  If you think   it best, give me my pay, but if not keep it. So they paid me thirty pieces of silver. And the Lord said to me ; throw it to the potter – the handsome price  at which  they priced me.”
( fulfilled in  Matthew 27; 3-9) ” When Judas , who  had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders.”
v.6  ” The chief priests picked  up the coins and said; ” it is against the law  to put  this  into the treasury , since it is bloody money.”
v.9 ” Then what was spoken  by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled; They took the thirty silver coins, the price  set on him by  the people of Israel.”
About Jesus  conquering  death;
Matthew 28;6  The angel said  ” I  know that you are looking for Jesus , who  was crucified . He is not here , he has  risen, just as he said. Come and see the place  where he lay”
We learn that God  gives us salvation while we believe in Jesus;
Romans 10;9  “If you confess   with your mouth ” Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that  God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Galatians 3; 11 ” Clearly no-one  is justified  before God  by the law, because ;” The righteous will live by faith.”
Hebrew  2;14   If you know Jesus   there is no fear of  death  for you;
” Since the children  have flash and blood, he too shared  in their humanity so that  by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death- that is , the devil, and free those  who  all their lives  were held in slavery  by their fear of death.”
The place where you are going to spend your eternity depends on your relationship with Christ. 
He that believes on the Son has everlasting life: and he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abides on him.
( John 3;36)
“Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven." Matthew 10;32-33

Christ the image of invisible God

" Christ  the  image of  invisible God"
There are things we don’t really see but we know they are there. We don’t see the wind, we just feel it and it is enough for us to be believe it is windy. We don’t see the electricity but we know it is there after we plug something in and it works. We recognize electricity by its power  what  it  does  to the things  it goes  through.

Is there any difference with God? In the old testament we read about invisible God and  we know He is there. We read about His powerful works and miracles  that  testify about Him , we  read about  things  to come or happen  which were fulfilled  about Christ, we read about ways  how He was dealing with people, that way we can imagine  Him who He is.

Are we somehow  'deprived' of  the chance to see who God is because we don't see Him face to face like we see others? The answer is no. You can actually  'see Him' clearly in the human being in Jesus  and learn  how much He  has been  involved in people’s lives.  If you still imagine  God as a distant invisible inaccessible   ‘being’  read what  the Bible says about Jesus.
Philippians 2;6 ; ” (…) being in the form of God”  v.7. “coming in the likeness of men”  v.8.” being found in appearance of man”

Colossian 1;15  says that  ” He is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all creation”

Hebrew 1;3  says;” The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being sustaining all things by His powerful word.”

One of the disciples asked Him one day; “Lord  show us the Father and it will be enough for us.’ Then Jesus answered; ‘ Don’t  you know me, Phillip, even after  I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me, has seen the Father.’”  John 14;7

In the previous verse Jesus said’ “ If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him.”

He also said  that  “All that belongs to the Father is mine.” John 16;15  and  talking about His Father , He said

All I have is yours, and all you have is mine.” John 17;10 . Sharing everything together  includes  also  sharing  Father’s divine  nature.  If  you  wished  to see  God dealing with people as a ‘visible being’  Jesus  is your answer.

Strong words, you might think  that is too much, Jesus  was just a perfect man.  But  His work testifies clearly  that He came from the living God;

John 14;10-11 says ”Don’t you believe that I am in the Father , and that the Father is in me? The words  I say to you are not just my own, rather it is the Father living in me, who is doing his work.”

And there is more than words but also his  great miracles. We can notice that Jesus was doing things  God Himself  only does.
Part 1
Power over the nature;  based on  Isaiah 48;13
“ My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand  spread out the heavens, when I summon them, they all stand up together.”

Was Jesus less that this?  We read in  Matthew 8;23-27 “ When  he  got into  the boat and his disciples followed Him, without warning, a furious  storm  came up on the lake, so that the waves  swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went  and woke him, saying ‘ Lord save us! We are going to drawn!’ He replied, ‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid’? Then He got up and rebuked  the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed  and asked , ‘What kind of man is this’? Even the winds and waves obey Him!”

Another story we read in Matthew 14;25-27  that “ During the  fourth watch  of the night, Jesus went out to them walking on  the lake. When the disciples  saw Him walking on the lake, they were terrified .’It’s a ghost’ they said and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them ‘Take courage! It is  I, Don’t be afraid!”

Another story  is with  Moses and the burning bush that we know  from the Old Testament  and  then  Jesus’ power over the nature  with  the fig tree  read  in Matthew 21;18 . Jesus  says at the tree ;  ‘May you never  bear fruit again!’ Immediately the tree withered. When the disciples saw  this, they were amazed.’How did the  fig tree wither so quickly ?’  They asked.”
Part 2
The great I Am.
Based on Isaiah 52;6 . God says;

“Therefore  my people will know my name, therefore in that day they will know that I am  who says ’ Behold, I am.’ ”

“Moses said to God; ’Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them; The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me; ‘what is His name?’  Then what shall I tell them? God said to Moses; ‘ I Am who I Am.’ This is what you are to say  to the Israelites’ “I Am has sent me to you!”  Exodus 3;13

Jesus said;  “I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am He, you will indeed die in your sins.” John  8;24

Based on John18;4  we read that before He was arrested He had an unusual conversation with the soldiers;

‘Who is you want? He asked

-Jesus of Nazareth, they replied.

“ I am He, Jesus said. When Jesus said “I am He” they drew back and fell  to the ground. Again He asked them. “ Who is  it you want? “And they said;”Jesus of Nazareth” “ I told you that I am He”  Jesus answered.

Didn’t they realize that they  just worshiped  God bowing  down before Jesus? They heard  God’s name that put them to the ground  but then  they looked up and saw only the person of a man  that they came after  to arrest not realizing  who they are dealing with. Their  physical eyes saw only somebody whom they hated  because he wasn’t matching their imagination of  Christ.
Part 3

Restoring things, making things out of nothing.

Based on Luke 22;49

Sometimes our blindness can be really serious. Things that are obvious to us can go unnoticed by others. When one of the disciples struck the servant of the  high priest, cutting off his right ear  Jesus  touched  the man’s ear  and healed him. Seeing this miracle those who came after Jesus  didn’t realize that  He had a power over our  human body! And they thought  He was in their hands as a helpless man…

In the other parts of the Bible we read about  Jesus’  miracles with  multiplying  bread and fish  ( Luke 9;16), and  changing water into wine  and  read in the old testament  how the almighty Father changed  rivers into blood in times of the Faro.
Part 4
Knowing peoples’ thoughts and events from their lives
Gospel of John 4;18   shows us  Jesus talking to the Samaritan lady telling her the truth about her life;  “The fact is, you  have had five husbands and the man you now have is not your husband. You are right when you say you have no husband.”

In John 1;47 there is  a story when Jesus meets Nathanael. When Jesus saw  Nathanael approaching , He said of him, ‘ Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.’ ’How do you know me?’ Nathanael asked. Jesus answered; ‘I saw you while you were still under the fig tree’.

Jesus was also  talking about the  last days  and about destruction of the temple.   He  knew thoughts of doubt in Thomas while not being around. When Jesus’ disciples told Thomas ’We have seen the Lord!’ Thomas answered;’ Unless I see  the nail marks in his hands and put my finger  where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it!’ A week later  Jesus came and stood  among  them and said to Thomas: ’Put your finger here , see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.’ Thomas said to him; “My Lord and my God!” John 20;25-29
Part 5
Authority of forgiving sin;
Based on Isaiah 43;25 we know that only God has  right to forgive sin.

” I am he who blots out  your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”

Jesus had the authority to say the same  thing; “ But so that you know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins, then he said to the paralytic; ‘Get up, take your mat and go home. ’ And the man got up and went home.”  Matthew 9;6 
Part 6
Power over death and life
Jesus had the abilities of  raising the dead ones to life ( Lazarus) , bringing all the sick to health and  coming back to life on the third day after his death on the cross.
In  gospel of John 10;18  we read about what He said about His life;
“ No-one  takes it from me, but I lay it down  of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and  authority to take it up.”    He also claims that His existence  goes beyond his physical body’s life.  In gospel of  John 8;58  he says;  “I tell you the truth, Jesus answered ’before Abraham was born , I am!”

Authority to give life is also shown in His words ;“I am the resurrection  and the life. He who believes in me will live even though he dies.” John 11;25
Part 7
Both Exodus 4;6 and  Mark 3;5  are similar ‘hand incidents’.  Jesus healing a man with a shriveled hand by telling the man to stretch out his hand and the hand gets healed immediately, and then the Lord in Old Testament saying to Moses; “ Put your hand  inside your cloak. So Moses put his hand  into his cloak and when  he took it out , it was leprous like snow. Now put it back into your cloak, he said. So Moses put his hand back into his  cloak and when he took it out , it was restored, like the rest of his flesh.”

Part 8
The list of his supernatural things can go on more and more.  And the authority of Jesus manifested in His words as a judge and to be honored on the same level as the Father; “Moreover, the Father judges no-one, but has entrusted  all judgment to the Son. That all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father.” John  5;22  Then we  also read in Mathew 28;18 that Jesus has been given  all  authority  in heaven  and on earth.

Part 9

The First and the Last
In Revelation 1;17 Jesus refers to Himself as the First and the Last  the same way God referred to Himself in Isaiah 48;13. “ Listen to me, O Jacob, Israel whom I have called; I am He and I am the first and the last.”

Part 10
The one in the glory
Jesus is described as the one who is coming back in the glory of His Father.  As they both share everything , His glory is also  the glory of His Father;

“ For the Son of Man is going to come  in His Father’s glory with His angels .” Matthew 16;27

„ When the Son of Man  comes in His glory and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His throne in heavenly glory.” Matthew 25;31.

Part 11

The one who is separating  sheep from the goats

About Jesus in Matthew 25;32 „ All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate the  people   one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on  his left.”

„ As for you my flock, this is what the Sovereign Lord  says; I will judge between one sheep  and another, and between rams and goats.”  Ezekiel 34; 17

Part 12
The one who can be worshiped
Based on Matthew 4;10
“ For it is written; ‘ Worship the Lord, your God, and serve him only’.”

„ And when they climbed into  the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat  worshiped him saying; ‘ Truly  you are the Son of God.”  Matthew 14; 32-33

“ When he saw Jesus from the distance, he ran and fell  on his knees  in front of him.”       Mark 5;6

” Let’s all God’s angels worship Him.” Hebrew 1;6

Part 13

The one who is the shepherd of His sheep

Ezekiel 34;11-12: “For this is what the Sovereign Lord says; I myself will search  for my sheep and look after them. As\a shepherd  looks after his scattered flock, when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places  where they were scattered on a day of clouds  and darkness.”

In gospel of John  10;14-16 Jesus says;

„ I  am the  good shepherd, I know my sheep and my sheep know me, Just as the Father knows me  and I know the Father, and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep  that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too  will listen to my voice , and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.”