Friday, February 22, 2013

The way to God

Most of the world developed an idea about God, who is a great Unknown. The thought that He is detached from the world, the Unknowable is very common because He doesn't  do things according to our own expectations or imagination.
According to the Stoics - God is utterly detached from the human scene and we cannot influence Him, neither have any relationship with Him. Many still retain these ideas. God is Unknowable and  He doesn't care. We want Him to be  a sort of a Fairy to fulfill  our wishes.
We wonder why isn't  He simply visible to us, why isn't He  talking to us from heaven with a loud voice so we can clearly see this is God?
Because it is not about seeing but getting to know  who He is, how  much He cares and  how much He is involved in our lives.  And it is based on His conditions;
 "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." James 4;6
If  we  only knew how He looks like but didn't  care about getting to know His character, His personality, His heart- would that be  satisfying for is- just to say;
" Oh, I saw God, He is of that shape, looks  so and so." ?
No. God  is definitely more than we could  see to be able to describe Him. Besides, God is a Spirit and we can know Him by getting to know His character. God made the way to know Him. For those who believe the gospel, there comes His revelation.
He doesn't  have to be the Unapproachable One any more.
In a Jewish temple there was  a curtain hanging  to hide  the Holy One. Only once a year  the high priest could  enter  to make atonement for the people.He alone could come near the Holy One, the God who was separated from man.

But we forget  that huge curtain hiding The Holy One  - was torn down when  JESUS DIED ON  THE CROSS!
He came into this world where God seemed unknown  and removed our own conception  of  unapproachable God.
Jesus comes to call us to God. He comes  with the news that God is not  removed from us  that He wants us to approach Him, that in fact, this Holy God  is friendly to sinners. For this reason the Pharisees were filled with anger  when they  saw Jesus  befriending  the common people. But Jesus reveals God, enters the human scene and calls us to Him;
"Come unto Me, all ye that labor  and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon  you  and learn from Me..."  Matthew 11;28
Here Jesus reverses our  human ideas of God  and shows that  God wants you to come to Him. God calls you as a  father calls his children home. God seeks you as a shepherd seeks a lost sheep. He calls you in His name ." Learn from  shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke  is easy and my burden is light."
"For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19;10 That is -us-  who were lost in this sinful  world, and by sin  were separated from God.

Somebody once said;" Shakespeare can give  you literature, Browning can  give you poetry, Kant can give you philosophy, Sartre can give you existentialism,Freud can  give you psychoanalysis, Einstein calls you give you science, the newspaper  calls you to give you information, the motion picture gives you entertainment, the advertisers- a better living... Everything the world gives you is temporal. Everything Jesus gives is ETERNAL! He calls you to salvation!
What is Jesus cure? " Come unto Me"  A call not to join an organization, to follow an ethic,  a new teaching, or even a way of life, but this is a call to meet a PERSON,  an invitation to come directly to Him and through Him to God. He is the DOOR. He is the WAY. Who else can save you if not the One who demonstrated His power over life and death? The One who died and rose again.
"You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to." John 5; 39-40

God desires to be approached. He can be approachable through Jesus. Can anyone hold an intimate conversation with  one of the Greek gods or any other man-made gods -statues?  Definitely not! But the Father of  Jesus Christ offers Himself to us; :" Come unto Me."

Can any of the man-made gods in different religions  give you salvation? Definitely  NOT.
"No one can come to the Father except through me" John 14;6
And Jesus says;" I will give you rest" The release of sin. The removal of fear. Freedom of conscience. Everlasting life. Jesus brought us the vision of God, the God who desires  to be approached. It is not the fear of sin but the love of God which sets men free.
So Jesus calls you  He invites you to the eternal God. For this God approaches you in Jesus and invites you to salvation and service. You may come from the lowest of motives. You may only want  peace of mind, or  rest from your burdens.. Someone once said; " I came looking for shelter. I found a shell. And then in a shell, I found a pearl"
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation". Colossians 1;15

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