Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Master Designer of our universe

A Master Designer of our universe

Taking any book about how our universe came to life, we would find typical explanation;
"Long time ago there was completely nothing. Nothing was for such a long time that it finally decided to become ‘something’ and exploded.." of course it sounds   ridiculous.  But that is what the evolutionary theory offers us to believe. Isn’t it foolish? All what we have around is even older that the beginnings, but somehow nothing explodes to create any other form of matter. Second,the explosion  is usually  chemicals transforming    into the other and we tend to believe that             nothing + time = matter    ( that came from a massive  explosion called  BIG BANG)
But this is what some people believe about  our vast  and orderly universe .All of the energy and matter  was crammed together into a big ball. Somehow this huge ball exploded, which caused the planets, stars and galaxies to emerge. Yet even renowned scientists admit that no one really knows how stars originated.  Abraham Loeb of the Harward University Center for Astrophysics says    ” The truth is that we don’t understand star formation at a fundamental level.”    
How can we explain that both Uranus and Venus rotate backward compared to all the other planets?!!   If we go deeper into details we will see that all the   BIG BANG theory violates  natural laws including the First and Second Laws of  Thermodynamics.
Why are the disk galaxies shaped like a disk? Astronomers say there is no explanation for what could place stars into that galactic  structural pattern. It surely is beautiful  with the globular clusters outside the disk, hanging in space like chandeliers, but how could random motions produce such balanced artistic harmony? Each galaxy, with all its stars, is moving together in a certain direction, yet the corporate velocities within the galaxy should gravitationally unbind  the stars within it, yet it does not happen.
We see so much perfection  and  sign of    ‘design’  in all the universe.    Saturn has 17 moons yet non of them ever collide  with the rings.    The farthest out is Phoebe, which revolves in a motion opposite  to Saturn and its rings. How could that happen? Talking about big things and the small ones that we can’t even see with our eyes, yet still on a excellent level of perfection; like atoms that would fall apart if the mass of the neutron didn’t exceed that of the proton.   If the mass of the proton were only slightly larger, the added weight could cause it to quickly become unstable  and decay into a neutron, positron and neutrino. This would destroy hydrogen the dominant element  in the universe. A Master Designer planned that the proton’s mass  would be slightly smaller than that of the neutron. Otherwise the universe would collapse.
 How foolish is it to believe that this perfect universe created itself.   Truth and knowledge about creation can only  originate with God.
No-one  would believe  that your perfect computer  created itself- it was just a matter of billions of years and bum…here it is, first as  smoke then millions of years after – a  piece of a wire, then more millions of years a keyboard and the screen and  then more billions of years after that we have  a finger touch tablet!  Of course it sounds ridiculous but what about our brain  that is like a computer? Evolutionary theory claims it was evolving and evolving …first from the single cell…ok,we better stop. Every perfect creation  needs a designer, needs a maker!!! But we may chose to believe in a fairy telly. A green frog turning into a prince? That is actually ‘possible’….just wait billions and billions of years till the frog goes through all the stages of evolutionary development and the final outcome will be a human being! A prince!
Part 1
A Designer who created the past, holds the present and knows the future.
So if all the works point you to the Maker of this world, why are we so reluctant  getting to know him?
We would rather put our trust in human unsupported theories or philosophies and ignore the witness of Him shown in all the perfect  creation. Evidence of the all knowing Master is also  in the Bible. It contains  hundreds of prophecies to show you that the Creator of this universe knows  everything that has ever happened and knows the future.  One fascinating  prophecy is that the Jewish people  would be called together as a nation. The temple of Jerusalem was destroyed in  A.D. 70  and the Jewish people scattered  from their homeland. What were the chances that the people without the country could survive as a nation? Every other nation since then has disappeared into oblivion. But in 1948  the Jewish people reestablished their  homeland in Israel. The odds are astronomical of that happening  after nearly two millennium. God’s prophecies are 100  percent accurate because he not only knows the future, he also controls it.  Other great prophecies are about Jesus which all came true within the smallest detail; see more in  the post” The greatest work done in Jerusalem.”
Why would we  believe in the ‘nothingness’  rather than in God?  Some claim that because they have no answer where God came from. But do we have the answer where the    ‘nothing’ came from to become something?     This is not the answer.
The reason we run away from Him  is because we don’t like the truth.  By acknowledging God we realize we are accountable to him.
We can  try to  hide behind our own philosophies which do not give us hope, no explanation or use the Bible to look for  the truth. It will tell you that because of our sin we died spiritually and need to be born again in order to have fellowship with God. And the reliable source which is the Bible tells you that it is through Jesus and believing in him. We  have evidence of God in a perfect creation, we have evidence of God in his word fulfilled  about the things that he said before, we can keep him at his word regarding  our future!!
” I tell you that whoever hears what I am saying  and trusts the One who sent me, has eternal life, that is, he will not come up for judgement  but has already crossed over from death to life” John 5;24
The other thing  is; if we  are rejecting Jesus- we are rejecting life; John 3;36
“Whoever trusts in the Son has eternal life,  but whoever disobeys the Son will not see that life but remains subject to God’s wrath.”
This is the simple truth, yet ignored by many.  You can chose to believe in unsupported  human theories regarding the past, or hold on to the reliable source in the Bible regarding your future. The choice is yours, to believe in nothingness or acknowledging

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