Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Take the Light with You - by Mike Evans
Jerusalem Prayer Team
"Matthew describes an amazing experience that Peter, James, and John shared when they were with Jesus. They had all climbed up a high mountain, far from the pressing crowds when, suddenly, the disciples saw Jesus change physically, right before their eyes. “And [he] was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light” (Matthew 17:2). There He stood, talking with Moses and Elijah! Then, they heard a voice from heaven, which said: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him,” (17:5).

Years later, Peter recalled this experience in a letter to the Church. He insisted he was not repeating mere hearsay about Jesus. No, he was certain that everything he shared was true because he saw it and heard it himself, including the transfiguration. Then, Peter makes an interesting application; he says, you have the light of Christ shining in your heart to dispel the darkness! “And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with Him in the holy mount. We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts,” (2 Peter 1:18-19).

The word “light” here actually refers to a “portable light.” In other words, you can take the light of Jesus with you anywhere you go and expect to see the darkness flee. If you want to hear God speak to you, then you must go onto the holy mount. You must get away for a while. Open the Word, and be still. Listen, and expect to hear.

Many people have Bibles, but they do not benefit from them. That is a little like having a steak dinner set before you and refusing to eat it. You can starve to death in the midst of abundance. The reason so many Christians don't experience the power of God's Word is because they haven't walked away from the crowds and distractions and asked God to release His anointing on them.

There was no darkness that day on the holy mount; there was only the light and the glory of God. “He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now,” (1 John 2:9). In other words, if you are living in darkness, you will stumble. "

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

"Living in the Anointing"

by Mike Evans Jerusalem Prayer Team

"Why does it seem like so few Christians are experiencing the anointing of God in their lives? Because, somewhere down the line, they got the idea that the anointing is a thing. They confused it with a manifestation or an emotional high. They wanted to feel the anointing rather than live it. God's anointing cannot be confined to four walls. It can't be manufactured in the pulpit, or packaged in neat little programs, or sold to the highest bidder.

It is a gift from a loving and sovereign Father. The fact is, if you are a child of God, you are anointed. Your anointing is in Jesus, and the more you relate to Him, the more it will be released in your life. You must allow God the freedom to come to you in any way He deems appropriate. You must allow Him to release His glory and beauty and power in your life. You must allow Him to be as creative as He likes to be.

He wants to manifest Himself in you and touch the nations of the world, shaking cities and changing lives. The anointing within you will break every yoke and burden. All the prophets whom God called in the Bible had the anointing. Every priest had it and so did every king. And my Bible declares Jesus is a prophet, a priest, and a king.

If you want to release the anointing, allow Jesus to “live big” in you. One day I asked God for a greater anointing. Then Jesus said something that really touched me: “You will have it if you will say what I say.” I thought, “Well, that shouldn't be too hard.” He also said, “You must hear what I hear.” Now that is a little harder. You can say what Jesus says, but you have to guard your ears to start hearing what He hears. For instance, He does not listen to judgmental spirits. He does not listen to gossip. He does not listen to trashy music, television, or movie dialogues. Jesus does not hear those things.

Then He added one more point, “If you will say what I say, and hear what I hear, then you will do what I do.” At first I thought that would be easy, especially when I was saying what Jesus says and hearing what He hears. But I have discovered that it's not so easy. In fact, sometimes it is downright hard—but it works.

Those three commands from the Lord changed my life, “Say what I say, hear what I hear—then you'll do what I do.”