Saturday, December 1, 2012

God's gift - eternal life

“For a closer look at the gift, God has for man, we must turn to an ageless literary miracle, the Bible.   People throughout the history  have died to keep this book in their possession and centuries of critics have failed to remove it  from the best -seller list.   Why? Because the Bible has  a power of its own, it transforms lives.   Lots of skeptics  trying to disprove  it’s content end up  on their knees in awe  of the treasure  they find. They uncover the gift.  The overriding theme  of the Bible  from beginning to the end is the gift  God has for man. That it is itself a miracle  that 60 individual books  would produce  a unified  system  of information when written over  a period of more than 1600 years  by more than 40 different man.
Inspired by the One who operates outside of our time domain, the Bible  books reveals history before it takes place. Almost one-fourth scripture is prophetic.
Accurate predictive prophecy sets this book apart from all others in the world. Although most people  are aware of the Bible  and may own many copies, majority have no idea what its pages contain. Not too many notice the scarlet thread which runs from one end of Scripture  to the other,  leading one to God’s gift. This book is designed to reveal  this  scarlet  thread , woven throughout the Scripture, that seeking hearts  might grasp what God desires to bestow.”
“the free gift of God is eternal life(…) Romans 6;23
To understand what this gift is about  is in the words of Christ  as He prayed for those who would receive this gift.
” And this is eternal life , that they might know  Thee, the only true God, and your Son Jesus Christ.” John 17;3
Reading that verse carefully  it says that eternal life  will bring an individual  to the place  wherein  he or she will know
“the  only true God.”    Eternal life- is to know and experience  personally  the Creator  of the universe.   God’s gift of eternal life is  is to accept  in this life.  It is received this  side  of grave or not at all.
God says that knowing Him  is the only thing we can boast about in this life;
“Thus says the Lord, let not the wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might,  let not the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who  boasts , boast of this, that he  understands and knows Me.” Jeremiah 9;23-24a
God  would not make that declaration if it was not possible  for us  to experience Him. The innermost  self, by design, finds rest and true fulfillment  only in relationship with Him.
God’s plan -scarlet thread-leading to  His  Son.
In the prophetic  book of Isaiah  we read that His Son would be;
v.5 “wounded for our transgressions, crushed because of our sins,
 the punishment  that brought us peace was upon HIM and by HIS wound we are healed“
v.11. ” My righteous Servant shall justify many, for he shall bear their iniquities“
As the verse 10 says; He made HIS soul offering for sin .He made HIS life a quilt offering,
Left on our own everybody of us is destined  to receive God’s wrath, which is the  just response  of a Holy God  toward sin but God has devised the way  to spare us that wrath. In His mercy and love for man there can be forgiveness  for every one of our failures because HIS  SON  DIED IN  OUR  PLACE.
He took  the wrath- we would have incurred -upon Himself.
Would people throughout the centuries die for a lie or for hope they put in God’s promise of forgiveness and everlasting life?
The Vail of the temple torn.
As`Jesus  died, the 20 foot high and 60 foot long curtain covering the Holy of Holies in the temple was split supernaturally from top to bottom .
Woven of dense linen fiber as thick as a man’s palm, this massive curtain has served as a barrier, separating man from God’s presence for centuries. It was now taken down by God Himself, revealing to all the world that His presence was open to those who would come to Him through faith  in the finished work of  His Son. The book of Hebrews10;19  tells us;
“Since therefore, brethren, we have confidence to enter the Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is His flesh..”
“But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, set down at  the right hand of God, from that time waiting till His enemies  are made His footstool.
 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.” Hebrew 10;12-14
Reconciliation between God and all mankind  became possible that day on the cross.The door is open into God’s presence for any individual who will enter.
A decision set before every man.
Foretold hundreds of years before His birth, was the fact that His mother would be a Jewish young woman, and He would be born in the city of Bethlehem. He would be one of the tribe of Judah  and of the seed of Abraham. King David would be His ancestor . He would be called out of Egypt and known as a Nazarene. The miracles ; the lame, blind, deaf and dumb would be healed by His touch. He would be light to the Gentiles . He would raise the dead. He would be revealed  as the Messiah  483 years after  a decree  was issued to rebuild Jerusalem following the Babylonian captivity. He would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey . He would be betrayed by a friend for thirty pieces of silver, and that money would be  used  to purchase a potter’s  field. He would be beaten, spat upon, and disfigured  through cruelty. Tormenters would pluck out His beard. He would be forsaken by His disciples. He would be rendered up as a guilt offering. He was to give His body as a ransom for others. The details of His death by crucifixion  were described  hundreds  of years before this form of death was ever devised. His hands and feet would be pierced. Not one of His bone would be broken. Men would gamble for His clothing  as He died . He would be raised  from the dead. He would be ascended into heaven. More than 300 prophecies were recorded  by men about Him before He was born. The details are in Psalms, book of Isaiah, Zachariah, Daniel, Ezekiel.   Today the majority  of prophecies  concerning the Messiah  have been fulfilled as foretold. Others have yet to be fulfilled. It is mathematically  impossible  for one-tenth of these specific prophecies  concerning  a single  individual  to be fulfilled apart from a miracle. Irrefutable evidence beyond human explanation. Only God would bring it to pass.
The entire Old Testament was written to let man know that help was on the way.In one sentence God is saying to us;
” You and I are separated, but I am going to do something about it.”
The books of New Testament  were written to let us know that help has arrived;and it is a proclamation of His good news to us;
” It is finished! I opened the way through my Son Jesus Christ .You and I don’t have to be separated any more.”

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